This is where you stick random tidbits of information about yourself.
Age 23, living in sin in Twickenham with Cheesy
Scrabble (mostly beating Cheesy's butt)
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Trashy TV
Public Transport
Rabbits-Bambi, Fern, Sooty, Pippa-all deceased
Dog-Sammy-deceased :(
Fish-CatFlap-recently (and finally!) deceased
Cat-Tiggy-still scratching

Technically Rachel
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
I had an extremely intelligent discussion with my friend Julian on Messenger this morning. It went something like this:
In Search of Ancient Gods says: cheers Rach says: eh? In Search of Ancient Gods says: wah? Rach says: you go In Search of Ancient Gods says: cheers Rach says: why you say cheers? wierdo In Search of Ancient Gods says: For letting me know you cock In Search of Ancient Gods says: haha Rach says: you cock In Search of Ancient Gods says: no you cock Rach says: no you In Search of Ancient Gods says: no YOU Rach says: bite me ass head In Search of Ancient Gods says: Ooooh theres an offer Rach says: asses don't have heads - heads have asses though - like yours! Rach says: no excuse me while i go and kick your ass at scrabble
Yeah so I'm gonna start blogging again. Maybe.
12:19 pm
Friday, July 13, 2007
The night before I flew out to Italy I'd been up typing until about midnight - this is me desperately trying to get my play ready for deadline at the Royal Court. I would get five hours sleep before getting up to drive to Gatwick. Not ideal, but enough. However, shortley before my resignation to bed, an almighty ruckus ensued. Our tiny beastie decided to make a lot of noise knawing at the skirting and running around like it was on speed under the floorboard upstairs. My suspicion is that we may well have a rather larger than mouse-shaped furry beastie in our home, what with living in terraces on an embankment with take aways at the end of the road. I spent a long time not sleeping, paranoid I was going to be eaten alive by vermin. And thus was very tired. Despite this though had an perfectly lovely time in Italy with the Cheesy and his family - staying in Volterra and then a night in Pisa. Even went up the lovely leaning tower - which was rather enjoyable. Very nice break indeed and long overdue. Am feeling much happier now the man is in the house again - obviously this will protect me from small furry things. Practical man he pulled our many boxes away from the wall and found said furry thing's access point. That and a mauled Green & Blacks wrapper. I suppose I can now identify with the creature - lord knows I'd lick the wrapper dry if I didn't think anyone was watching. Still want to kill it though. Access point is now filled with expanding foam and we plan to get one of the electromagnetic thingies. And clean more. Which is no bad thing. Had a nice get together with the other Rachel-With-An-A. We have been plotting our take-over of the theatre world - which is always fun. Technically Speaking may well be getting a London outing in the near future. This weekend is going to be a weekend of brutal floor-sanding and possibly even a bit of wallpapering - we shall see. God knows I'm desperate to have my sodding bedroom already. Eee.
11:39 am
Thursday, June 28, 2007
*Looks sheepish*
So ok – it’s been a while. But the last two months have been mad as a bunch of frogs stuck in a box with a kitten.
Me and the Cheesm bought a house. Yes, a whole house. Some pictures of which I will eventually put up – mainly so you’ll be able to see the whole before & after nightmarishness we’re going through. There’s sooooo much to be done. Two months in and we’re still on our first room – the bedroom. The rest of the house is filled with boxes and we’re basically just sleeping on a mattress on the floor in the study-to-be. But we’re getting there – slowly but surely. Just means most of our weekend are filled with peeling/scrubbing/sanding/painting various surfaces. Our first week alone saw a leaky radiator costing us in the region of 300 quid. Joy. But since then we’ve been able to spend money on more useful things than plumbers – like ovens and fridges! *Grin* And also two months in we already have the pitter patter of tiny feet. No – it’s not been THAT long since I blogged – I’m talking about a mouse. Little bastard. Nearly gave me a god-damn heart attack. The Cheesm is away doing a driving course this week and naturally on his first night away I was a little jumpy. Woke at midnight needing to pee and decided not to turn the lights on. As I approached the kitchen I heard a mad scurrying and something hit my foot. The mouse ran into my foot. Cue an hour of deep breathing trying to calm myself down and convince myself there wasn’t a mutant beastie hiding in my kitchen. Little bugger hasn’t shown up again since – but I know its there. Along with the spiders. Oh yes, we have spiders. Mercifully small ones so far but they keep showing up. And getting subsequently smattered on the wall with a magazine/useful pamphlet. Little bastards.
Two of my plays went on in Brighton and I had a wicked weekend down there with Bron and her Mini-Cooper. Waking also had a rehearsed reading with KDC and is now going on for a week in August in Clapham – more details to come.
Started a new job doing some post-production, which in turn allowed me enough time to accept a place on the Royal Court Young Writers Programme. Yes, I’m aware you’re pointing at the word Young and laughing – but they’re a bit more flexible on that these days. Thankfully they seem to have realised that putting a sell-by-date on New Writing is pretty arsish and are planning to open up the writing programs to all ages. The course has been great – it’s really got the writing going again and I’ve met some wicked people as a result. Normally writers groups are a bit… well… full of fucking writers. But mostly everyone in this one seems really normal and nice and…. God forbid… supportive of eachother. I’ve seen signs of some really talented people on this course, who one day I expect to be able to boast about ‘knowing’. The course is nearly finished now – I have this weekend basically to write a whole play. Eek! Should be fun. In a terrifying way.
9:11 am
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Pearl for president!
5:11 pm
Saturday, April 07, 2007
I love being able to enjoy Easter Bank Holiday - what with the frantic nature of my job, I don't get to take the Bank Holidays very often. So it's very satisfying to have four fully paid days off. Have spent most of it nurturing a very promise X-Box addiction (thanks to a wicked game called Psyconauts) and digging stuff out of closets and brutally throwing it away. Yup - moving time is drawing closer. Presuming our Crap-Lawyer actually HAS a legal degree, we should be completing early May. Cue excitement desperately trying to eek out under a smelly duvet of responsibility and oh-my-god-I'm-grown-up fear.
Waking is getting another airing at the Brighton Fringe Festival this year - so if you're in the area go splash some cash and then talk loudly all around Brighton how brill it is. The Award Winning (*beams*) Keeping Annabelle is also getting a go in the Bite-Size show- only on Saturdays though. Hoping I'm gonna be able to make it myself, what with May looking to be a bit bloody nightmarish.
New job also starts beginning of me. Change of scene as I'll be working in Soho for a good number of months - which is more expensive (train travel, wasted car, food, lure of expensive shops selling shiny things), but does mean a more interesting environment than Shepperton Studios (car parks, sheep.... more sheep), AND plentiful opportunities to meet up with peeps I don't get to see very often.
In other VERY exciting news, I have just experienced the first episode of Season 8 of Buffy The Vampire Slayer. Unfortunately, this does not mean a miracle has happened, nor does it mean my plan to lock Joss Whedon in a studio with the cast and starve them till they film has come to fruition. It is down to this. Sure, it's no where near as satisfying as the rest of my Buffy box set, but it'll have to do. And do very well it does too. Buffy's gone all super commando, Xander is looking all Jesse Custer, Dawn has rather grown, but Willow is unaccounted for as yet. Ooh, it's so exciting! (Nerd!)
9:15 pm
Friday, March 23, 2007
Lol - love this:
Top Ten Unintentionally Funny Comic Books
11:46 pm
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Bleurgh. Head hurts.
2:35 pm
Man, it's been ages since I posted when Iwas this pissed, but I just got back from my latest wrap party and have pictures of me with Brendan Fraser who clearly thinks I rock ;) check out the pics when I put them on myspace. God it took a year to write that. And that. Damn I have hiccoughs.
2:30 am
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Went to see the house again and spent yesterday stressed the hell out as it sunk in exactly how much work needs doing to the place - our original plan of attacking it as a whole and painting everything white ain't gonna wash as we have finally clocked that the whole place is covered from head to toe in anaglypta wallpaper. Gee, that's gonna be fun to get off the walls. The place is also smaller than I remembered it - which is normal, but I was already picturing it as quite small to begin. Whilst buying a house may sound impressive, it is indeed a small house . However, that has passed and today I'm giddy and excited again. So yeah - we're gonna have to do it room by room and live out of boxes for a while. But we can totally transform this place and make it utterly our own - yes it will take a great deal of time, but the end result has the potential to be very satisfying. We're crossing our fingers for some pretty floorboards beneath the floral carpet, as that's far easier (and cheaper) than fitting new carpets throughout.
Slowly coming down after the excitement of Sydney. Keeping Annabelle is get another outing soon by some student friends of the Hilton at ArtsEd - apparently it's going down rather well, and this time I get to actually watch it. Along with agents - who admittedly are there to look for acting talent, but you never know!
Right, back to work with me!
PS. It's my birthday next week - wooooooooooooooo! 27 hurrah!
12:14 pm
Sunday, February 25, 2007
The fascists over at Blogger have now forced me to switch to Beta-Blogger. So much for free will. Bastards.
Anyway, it happier news. The Short and Sweet final took place on Friday night in Sydney. Spent the day keeping an eye on the websites - went on the aussietheatre website to read that the awards had mostly been swept by a play called Almost - a 9/11 orientated piece which sounded very good (I literally have no concept of the quality of the other plays - or even mine for that matter!). But the good news was that the actress in my play won the Best Actress award! So I left with a little deflation at having not won every prize there was to win ;) but very pleased that the show as a whole had come away with a prize. Later, however, after a prompted look at the Short and Sweet website, I discovered that I'd won the Best Script Runner Up prize. After some giddy bouncing around I now contemplate my future as an award-winning playwright. (Yes, I am aware that is a stretch but I'm clinging on to it forever!!!). Second place out of 1200 scripts certainly ain't bad - it's just a shame I can probably never thank my director and actors in person. I just hope they've enjoyed the whole thing as much as I have from half way around the world.
*Skips away happily*
12:15 pm
Monday, February 19, 2007
More news on the final for Short and Sweet in Sydney here. Apparently I'm in town for the event. I'm not sure where the hell that idea came from. Neither am I sure whether to correct them or not - does it make me look lame that they're claiming I'm willing to fly to the other side of the world to watch ten minutes of my work performed? Or instead does it make me sound jet-setting and faaaabulous? May well write to correct the spelling though. *sighs at the fact my name is NEVER spelled correctly*
3:04 pm
Thursday, February 01, 2007
*Giggle fit*
Watch this video to listen to Australian's talking about "Keeping Annabelle" - I may have to emigrate.
Australia Rocks!
8:33 pm
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Well, the big news is Keeping Annabelle was the winner in its week at the Short and Sweet Festival in Sydney – which means that it goes on to the Gala Final Night on the 23rd February. So all you Sydney readers of my blog (meheh) get another chance to see it! Whooop! Plus, I actually won something. There are some people out there, who don’t know me or anything about me, and they like my play. It’s a warm happy feeling. It was a surprise too, as I expected another piece to win which sounded great. That won the audience vote in the end (Keeping Annabelle came second – whoop!) which sounds about right.
And other exciting writing news is that another more lengthy piece of mine made it to third stage reading at Soho Theatre and they’re not sending it back just yet. What this probably means is I’ll just get a lengthier more detailed reading report, but it would truly rock if any kind of development help came in for it.
Could this finally be my year for writing?*
*Jinxes it all in one sentence
Ooh - update. Me and the Chees'm just got an offer accepted on a house in Hounslow! Let's hope this doesn't go tits up like last time!
7:12 pm
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Oh my god I'm sweating with excitement. My piece in Short & Sweet in Sydney kicked off this week - so far haven't heard any news back. However, I read the review for last week. I shall have to reveal 'Keeping Annabelle' is the piece that made it for this to make sense to those who don't know me - look at the review and scroll down to the bottom of the screen after it lists all Week 1 titles and quotes, and read the Upcoming highlights paragraph. Sweat. Of course, do note there's no mention of my name, but still! Giddy!
4:16 pm
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Anyone gonna be in Sydney over the next week? Come on, someone out there must be! One of my pieces was selected to the Sydney Short & Sweet festival (woohoo), but I cannot go to see it (booooo) - you know, what with the £1000, 12hr flight and everything to watch ten minutes worth of my writing. If I was a millionaire with nothing to do but twiddle my thumbs, I'd be there. But then again if I was a millionaire with nothing to do but twiddle my thumbs I would by now have probably bought myself a massive theatre hosting nothing but my own writing - ahhh, a girl can dream. Anyway, if anyone reading this IS by some random chance in Sydney - give me an email and I'll give you details of when and where it's on so you can go watch my play and vote for it. Being UK based I feel somewhat at a disadvantage when it comes to the People's Choice award for this thing - everyone else has friends and family to vote after all. Mind you, not that this helped when 'Keeping Annabelle' was performed for Short Shorts at Soho Theatre, and Goulden Moments voted for another piece (out of sympathy, I might add) and I missed winning by one vote. Yes, one vote. Damn human empathy.
Thankfully, human empathy has seemed lacking in regards to the Jade Goody creature. Or perhaps it exists in excess for her playground bully-toy, Shilpa. No amount of snivelling and grovelling seems to be doing her much good. Personally I think the media backlash to the Goody one has been long overdue and she's pushed her luck with one reality show too many. There's a nice circular theme to it though - with the same show that started her destroying her. It's almost poetic (if you could ever consider Big Brother art - which you can't). Everyone already knew she was a nasty little thing, but somehow how her idiocy endeared her to people (stupid people, obviously, but where there are stupid people there are tabloids to give them what they want). There's nothing endearing left now, and I think most people rightly see that the tears are self pitying rather than any actual empathy on her part to what she put the girl through. A nice person would have seen the fall out from her behaviour immediately and tried to make amends before they got a heads up that people might not like it. But enough on that one - hopefully once she's had her few tabloid spreads blubbing and begging forgiveness that'll be the last we hear from her. Somehow doubt it though.
In more sombre (and important) news, I must attend a funeral on Tuesday - my cousin Richard unfortunately died the other week which came a bit out of nowhere - he'd been ill, but there certainly didn't seem any immediate death in sight. So it's all a bit sad and surreal as these things usually are. I hadn't seen him for quite a long time, though I spoke to him last year. He was definitely one of a kind and I know he'll be sorely missed. I don't think it's quite sunk in yet.
6:29 pm